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Reference and Inference

1. Act wich a speaker use linguistic forms to enable a listener.

2. Could be a proper noun, definite noun, indefinite noun, phrase or pronoun.

3.It hasn't a direct relationship between entities and words in a sentence.

4. It's associated woth proper names and objects.

5. Words and phrases like pronouns are.

6. It limits the range of possible interpretation, we might have for word.

7. Create an expectation that the listener will be able to infer who or what the speaker intents to identify.

8. Is the identifiable physical referent of the referent express.

9. The opposite of cataphora.

10. Has one specific entity in mind.


  • Across

  • Down

1. Is the physical environment.

2. The refering expression provides a...

3. Another way to relate an ellipsis.

4. Is the initial expression followed by the anaphora.

5. When the intention was recognized, the     combination was...

6. Expression that has a deictic usage.

7. Is the number of possible referents provided by a referring expression.

8. When we analyse a situation or context.

9. Word or phrase that can't be fully understood without additional contextual information.

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